The operator launched a new casino concept and image

Orenes' Gran Casino Extremadura reopens with two Zitro's video slots

“We could not miss Zitro products in our new concept of the Gran Casino Extremadura as they are having incredible results in casinos around the world," said Virginia Lorente, Orenes Group Product Manager of Casinos.
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Link King and Link Me had a special role in the re-inauguration held this month.

Zitro accompanied the Orenes Group in the re-inauguration of the Gran Casino Extremadura. It was a big premiere in which Zitro’s video slots had a great occupation. Orenes Group has launched a new casino concept and image with a renewed entertainment proposal for all its clients, where Link King and Link Me have had a special role.

The emblematic casino of Orenes Group has made a bet with two successful products in the gaming sector by incorporating them into the new concept of its Casino in Extremadura.

Virginia Lorente, Orenes Group Product Manager of Casinos, stated: “We could not miss Zitro products in our new concept of the Gran Casino Extremadura as they are having incredible results in casinos around the world. As references in the entertainment sector, our commitment is to offer our clients the highest quality by incorporating the most advanced technologies and those products that set trends.”

Vicente Fernández, Zitro’s Commercial Director, said: “We want to thank the Orenes Group for having our most successful products that are already revolutionizing the gaming industry worldwide. It is undoubtedly a great bet for the future that will be reinforced with the new products that are coming soon.”

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