Audience & editions

With more than 1 million users globally, Yogonet is where professionals, C-suite leaders, tech Influencers and decision-makers feed their vision and power their decisions. Our platforms deliver objective and accurate global news to our dedicated users - which is why advertising and associating with Yogonet always generates greater trust and engagement in your brand.

Yogonet has three editions: International Edition, published in English and aimed at readers worldwide, Latin American Edition, focusing on the LatAm region and Spain, and Brazil, recently launched.

International Edition

Average monthly users
Average monthly views
Average monthly session duration
Average monthly sessions per visitor
Average number of online articles each month
Newsletter subscribers
Source: Google Analytics (March 2024)

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Company account
Personal account
News of the day

Global Reach

We cover all corners of the globe with an extensive reach across 3 site editions:International (English content), Latin America (Spanish content) and Brazil (Portuguese content)

Latin America Edition

Average monthly users
Average monthly views
Average monthly session duration
Average monthly sessions per visitor
Average number of online articles each month
Newsletter subscribers
Source: Google Analytics (March 2024)

Social media

Company account
Personal account
Igaming Latin America Network
209 members

Global Reach

We cover all corners of the globe with an extensive reach across 3 site editions:International (English content), Latin America (Spanish content) and Brazil (Portuguese content)