According to the Daily Nation, the proposed measures seek to increase the penalty for illegal gaming machines from Sh5,000 to Sh2 million or imprisonment for a maximum two years. Furthermore, slot machines investors will have to request authorization to the central government in order to start their business in the African nation.
“No licence shall be issued under this Act unless the Board has sent a copy of the application for the licence to the county government within whose area of jurisdiction the applicant proposes to conduct his business and has given the county government reasonable opportunity to object to, or make recommendations with respect to the application,” the text reads.
The project demands the Betting Control and Licensing Board to send an application or a licence to the county government within which the applicant wants to set up their business, increasing the security deposit to get a license from Sh40,000 to Sh20 million. The bill targets street gaming as well with penalties expected to increase from Sh3,000 to Sh100,000 or imprisonment for one year, or both.